Main Campus – 430 Clairmont Ct, Suite 121 & Suite 200: 

  • Regular hours
    • Monday – Friday:  7am – 5pm
    • Saturday & Sunday: Closed
  • Holiday Hours
    • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day | January 20 *
      • No Classes
    • Spring Break
      • 16-week programs (RAD, DMS) | March 12th-14th *
        • No Classes
      • 8-week NURS program | March 10th-14th *
        • No Classes

* Campus will remain open to faculty/staff who need to access the building during this time.

The above building hours and information are also posted on most building doors.

Building Access

Our building access control system has been upgraded to a more reliable system called Lenel S2. The Lenel S2 is equipped with security features that allows for a safer teaching and learning environment. Classrooms, faculty and administrative offices are located on the second floor of the building, which is accessible through stairways or an elevator. Once on the second floor, a badge is required to enter classrooms if using stairways. The Clinical Simulation and Learning Center (CSLC) is located in Suite 121 on the first floor. While access to faculty and administrative offices is via badges, appointments continue to be required of students and guests prior to accessing this section of the building.

The Library is located on the second floor and is unlocked daily when campus opens by the campus security officer. The Ions Conference Center is a multi-purpose room that is located on the first floor and is often used as a classroom.

Campus security is very important and access control is the line that protects our most important assets: associates and students.

  1. All associates and students must wear and ALWAYS visibly display their identification badges while located on the SCHS campus.
  2. Associates and students shall identify themselves to front desk/security personnel when entering the building as well as to faculty, if requested.
  3. Guests must sign in and out at the front desk. Guests should wait in the front desk area/lobby for the appropriate functional unit associate to accompany them during their visit.
  4. If you see a new or unfamiliar face around the building, please introduce yourself so that we can get to know one another better.

The purpose of these best practices is to enable associates and students to identify each other and allow the SCHS Campus Building Emergency Team to quickly identify unauthorized individuals on the SCHS campus in the event of a critical incident.


As tenants within a large medical complex, SCHS enjoys ample parking to accommodate faculty/staff, students, and visitors. Parking spaces are defined as shown on the below map to govern parking between all tenants utilizing spaces all around the medical center. Students and faculty/staff must follow the below parking guidelines (see map) or risk being towed at their expense. Overnight parking is prohibited. If you have a disabled vehicle, please make arrangements to remove your vehicle prior to close of business hours or contact our Security Officer to make a different arrangement.

It is the responsibility of the vehicle owner to take precautions against vehicle theft. SCHS assumes no responsibility or liability for any vehicle parked on SCHS property. The owner should lock their vehicle at all times and refrain from leaving valuables in plain sight. Motorcycles, motor scooters and mopeds are subject to the same parking requirements.

SCHS parking for faculty/staff and students is delimited on the below map.